Monday, October 14, 2013

Data Analysis Questions for Fourth Graders

In the interest of providing one last math exercise for fourth graders, here is a graph with climate data. Grace transcribed these data into a spreadsheet. The graph below places all our locations (in order) on the horizontal, or X-axis. Note that there are vertical, or Y-axes. On the left (in blue) is temperature from each location and on the right (in red) is humidity. Please use this line chart to answer the following interpretive questions.

1) Which locations were the driest places visited by us? What might these places look like?

2) Which locations were the wettest? What might these places look like?

3) What was the coldest location recorded in the weather reports? Name a place that was 20 degrees warmer.

4) Describe how the temperature and humidity of Klamath, CA compared with all other locations.

5) What is different and what is the same about Macon when we returned home compared to when we left?

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